floating points discussed at isea....now phase 2

Remote speaker presentation to ISEA went well on friday. It was a lot of fun and got some solid feedback. Now the emphasis branches into a few directions
1. research and development of a hand held that will "read" spaces from above as well as from the ground and places above ground level (moving to the 10th floor of a building and out on the ledge , a hilltop...etc) shifting data and inherent narrative therin with increments of elevation/altitude.
2. research and development of handheld that will "read" trajectories of previous flights both in terms of locative and graphically with a 3d depth of movement and interaction as one moves both horizontally and vertically. This will be a tool for artworks as well as pragmatic applications in data visualization as is the part of the project above.
3. work on experiment for space station and its 3 core sections
4. work on essays that lay out these concepts and their many applications.