floating points.....narrative archaeology and my aunt passing away

As I mentioned on my other blog, my aunt died recently after 6 weeks of being day to day terminal with cancer. We buried her a few days ago. She was my close friend , my first mentor, an amazing person and strong to the end. It has been really hard. We talked many times about the ideas around my work and she inspired me and always will.
Looking at the different facets of "floating points". It feels a lot like how it felt as I wrote "narrative archaeology" and worked on 34 north 118 west. That was different as it was all a rush at once in the most amazing epiphany in my life one day standing outside the downtown library with a hand full of photocopies of turn of the last century newspapers. The light was exceptionally bright.....one of those days where high ice crystal clouds make a prism effect on the sun and it feels heightened already ........it almost felt like my body briefly got lighter as did the light as it hit me. Now it is a more long term build but the scope feels similar, the applications, the excitement about the ideas, tools, applications and project(s). It can really deepen the content, flux and interactivity of locative narrative, of reading of spaces, of sound and visual work dealing with scope and space in many contexts, in a more internal ai functionality of data engine and a cohesion in change with increment, applications in seeing the invisible ( flight paths, previous flight paths, previous paths of storms, of protests....
Looking for people along the way to join the team. The final work is extremely ambitious and shall be a group of locative works triggering in cities and between spaces around the world as one unified work of art, narrative, and navigation.
The 3d grid of gps changing with position and elevation will allow greater depth, change and reading of movement and perspective in many ways....this is exciting as it expands on the current modes of locative media and on all I have done to this point.
I miss my aunt but know she will be with me always in memory and inspiration and my love for her and her wise words since I was a boy drive me on even now as I feel the weight of the last few days.
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