quiet...does not mean inactive...

been working on a lot of the concepts and functionalites of the project.....have not posted here in a while......seeing other projects and research beginning to merge into the concepts here....which is exciting....
also looking forward to feedback when the project is mentioned soon in a magazine article about my work in a computer magazine...
my collaborator alexander is now at nasa eames so looking forward to more input from those folks as we progress....
seeing more and more how the google earth hack aspect will come to play as well as the flighpath triggered data and 3d visualization of communication
on a side note....making a lot of progress on a new non euclidian geometry based topological modelling of event time.......will lecture about this soon as a keynote speaker in Russia......also developing the linkage of this to floating points....very interesting indeed...
Labels: 3d, art, esa, flight, geometry, google earth, gps, immersive visualization, locative media, nasa, path, space, space art, time, vector